Na konkurs pristiglo 1768 filmova iz 107 zemalja

Direkcija Viva film festivala sa ponosom objavljuje da je na konkurs, koji bio otvoren od 01. januara do 31. marta 2109., pristiglo rekordnih 1768 filmova iz 107 zemalja svijeta.
Oficijalni rezultati selekcije biće objavljeni do 30. aprila 2019.
Selekorska komisija će imati pune ruke posla, a svim autorima želimo puno sreće i uspjeha.Podsjećamo festival će održati od 18. do 22. septembra u Sarajevu i u još 15 festivalskih centara.
The Directorate of the Viva Film Festival is proud to announce that 1768 films from 107 countries of the world have been received for the competition, which was open from January 1st to March 31st.
The official results of the selection will be published till April 30th, 2019. The selection committee will have full-time work, and we wish all authors a lot of happiness and success. We will remind you that the festival will be held from September 18th to September 22nd 2019 in Sarajevo and in 15 other festival centers.