Script: NAGNATH KHARAT Script: NAGNATH KHARAT Editor: YOGESH JADHAV Original music: NAGNATH KHARAT Language: Marathi Duration: 14:24 The original system’s of record film: pal Country of production: INDIA Year: 2016 Property: GramOvifilms
This is the story of Sheetal and her brother Ashok.This story revolves around about a village in a draught.How the government insensitivity And globalisation affected villages in India shown through eyes of children in a poetical way. In this film also reflection ofcontemporary indian farmers conditions…
Ovo je priča o Sheetalu i njenom bratu Ashoku. Ova priča se vrti oko sela u nacrtu. Kako je državna neosjetljivost i globalizacija utjecala na sela u Indiji pokazana kroz oči djece na poetičan način.