Grand Prix VIVA 2016. dodjeljen iranskom autoru!

Umjetnički direktor Viva film festivala Ratko Orozović je boravio 8 dana u Iranu na Jasmine Film Festivalu u svojstvu predsednika žirija u kategoriji internacionalni igrani film. Tom prilikom se susreo sa Seyedom Sajadom Moosavijem, autorom filma “Čovjek od soli” koji je osvojio Grand Prix za najbolji film VIVA film festivala 2016. “Nagrada je lično uručena velikom autoru i divnom čovjeku, koji potiče iz Irana, zemlje duge tradicije i perzijske kulture, tako da nije čudno da im je i kinematografija vrhunska, kako tehnički, tako i idejno. Bila mi je čast lično čestitati Seyedu i uručiti mu najveće priznanje za njegov veoma uspješan film.” – rekao je R. Orozović
The artistic director of Viva Film Festival Ratko Orozović stayed eight days in Iran on “Jasmine Film Festival” as president of the jury in the category of international film. On that occasion he met with Seyed Sajad Moosavi, the author of the film “The Salt Man” which won the Grand Prix for best film VIVA Film Festival 2016. “Award was personally delivered to a great author and wonderful man, who is from Iran, the country's long tradition and Persian culture, so it is not surprising that their cinematography and top quality, both technical and conceptual. It was an honor to personally congratulate mr. Seyed and handed him the greatest prize for his highly successful film. ” – said R. Orozović.