Podrška Viva Fest-u stiže i iz Belgijske Ambasade
Ratko Orozovic, direktor Viva Film Festivala, danas je uručio nagradu “Srebrni leptir” u kategoriji ekološki film, ambasadoru Belgije u BiH gospodinu Jorisu Ronseu.
Kako je obećao nagrada će biti proslijeđena (diplomatskim putem) belgijskom autoru filma “Strast vatre i zlata” – Pinsu Sebastienu.
Istovremeno g. Joris Ronse, prvi među diplomatama dao je i podršku Viva Film Festivalu 2 , te najavio da će svojim učešćem promovisati kulturu i turističke potencijale Belgije.
Ratko Orozovic, director of Viva Film Festival, has been handed the prize “Silver Butterfly” in the category of ecological film, to the Belgian Ambassador in BiH Mr. Joris Ronse.
As promised prize will be forwarded (through diplomatic channels) Belgian author of the film “Passion of fire and gold” – Pins Sebastien.
At the same time Mr.Joris Ronse, first among diplomats gave its support to Second edition of Viva Film Festival and announced that their participation to promote culture and tourism potentials of Belgium.