Call For Entires – Viva film Festival 2017

Call For Entires – Viva film Festival 2017

It is an honor and great pleasure to invite you to upcoming 3rd
International festival of documentary and short feature films VIVA FILM
FESTIVAL 2017, to be held 13-17th septrembre in Sarajevo and six other towns in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Viva Film Festiva expects representatives of 30 countries with over 100 films from
all categories, according to the propositions of the Festival.

Prizes will be awarded for:
Competition – Prizes:
Religion (its themed films that promote the specifics of religion, in order to rapprochement, understanding and inter-religious tolerance);
Ecology (films that its theme promote the natural heritage of their countries in order to encourage the development of environmental awareness);
Tourism (films that its theme promote the tourism potential of country of origin).
Youth BiH (films produced by the youth and young filmmakers from Bosnia And Herzegovina)

We would be honored to see the film (s) of your production,
or your country at VIVA Film Festival.
Deadline for Submission of your film and the application is 15th  june 2017.

For any questions you may have a more information on
Festival Rules and Entry Form and , you can find on our FB Page :


or download from here:

RULES Of The VIVA Festival 2017