Novi član našeg festivalskog tima g. AL GORE
![Novi član našeg festivalskog tima g. AL GORE](
Dragi Ratko,
Hvala vam mnogo na pozivu da se pridruzim internacionalnom Viva film festivalu 2016. Veoma cijenim vaš poziv.
Na žalost, moj raspored mi ne dozvoljava da lično prisustvujem festivalu, zbog ranije ugovorenih obaveza. Sve u svemu, puno vas cijenim i daću vam svu neophodnu podršku za festival.
Želim Vam sve najbolje, i još jednom hvala na pozivu.
U najboljim željama za uspješan dogadjaj
Al Gore.
Former Vice President Al Gore:
Dear Ratko,
Thank you very much for inviting ме to join you for the International Viva Film Festival 2016. I appreciates you extending this invitation to me.
Unfortunately, my schedule does not permit me to attend as many events as I would like, and I regret that I will be unable to attend the Festival due to a conflict with my schedule. However, I appreciation you ,and i will give you all necessary support for your festival.
I wish you all the best and thank you again for your kind invitation. Best wishes for a successful event.
Al Gore