Christian – Kristijan

Script: Nebojša Ilić, Svestinik Nikola Pesic
Editor: Nebojša Ilić
Original music:N/A
Language: Serbian
Duration: 17:26
The original system’s of record film: Pal
Country of production: SERBIA
Year: 2015
Property : JUG FILM


Do you remember childhood and what you wanted as children? This is a film about the one who dreams and those who help the dream come true. A film that defies the spirit of time and competitive relationships between people. Based on the bosom principle of serving the nearer, it teaches us that we are as large as we are willing to serve the near ones and to renounce ourselves.

Sjecate li se djetinjstva i onoga što ste željeli kao djeca? Ovo je film o onome koji sanja i onima koji pomazu da se snovi ostvare. Film koji prkosi duhu vremena i konkurentskim odnosima medju ljudima. Utemeljen na bozanskom nacelu o sluzenju bliznjem, poucava nas da smo onoliko veliki koliko smo spremni da posluzimo bliznjem i da se odreknemo sebe.

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