Edge of the Clouds – Rub oblaka

Script: Hanna Kaihlanen
Editor: Hanna Kaihlanen
Original music:
Language: Chinese
Duration: 13:30
The original system’s of record film: Pal
Country of production: CHINA / FINLAND
Year: 2016
Property : Hanna Kaihlanen

Edge of the clouds follows Zhujinnong’s struggle between Qiang culture and contemporary China. The film portrays the contrast between sacred and secular. Somewhere between the mountain peak and the valley down below lies the ancient spirituality.

Rub oblaka prati Žujinongovu borbu između Qiang kulture i savremene Kine. Film prikazuje kontrast između svetog i sekularnog. Negde između planinskog vrha i doline dolazi drevna duhovnost.

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