3. From the Edge of Sanity – S ruba pameti

3. From the Edge of Sanity – S ruba pameti

Script: Milana Majar
Editor: Biljana Seva
Original music: Jelena Sukalo, Petar Jovanovic
Language: English
Duration: 26:35
The original system’s of record film: Pal
Country of production: BiH
Year: 2017
Property: RTRS

The documentary “From the Edge of Sanity” is interwoven with the destiny of a Christian family from Syria. At the peak of the war two sons and a daughter of Younes Ayoub and Helen Alashehab leave the war-torn fatherland. Fear of terrorists and a desire to preserve the family together forced the 65-year-old Helen to go after their children. The family sold most of the property to pay smugglers to take them to Europe.The hero of the film, seventy years old Younes Ayoub, remains in Damascus.

Dokumentarni film “S ruba pameti” prepleten je sudbinom hrišćanske porodice iz Sirije. Na vrhuncu rata dva sina i kćerka Younes Ayoub i Helen Alashehab napuštaju ratno razorenu otadžbinu. Strah od terorista i želja da se porodica sačuva zajedno prisilila je Helen da stigne za djecom. Porodica je prodala većinu imovine kako bi platila švercerima da ih odvedu u Evropu. Heroj filma, sedamdesetogodišnji Younes Ayoub, ostaje u Damasku.

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