Proteus Hunters – Lovci na čovječju ribicu

Script: Ciril Mlinar
Editor: Ciril Mlinar
Original music: Kevin MacLeod
Language: English
Duration: 06:00
The original system’s of record film: Pal
Country of production: SLOVENIA
Year: 2016


Centuries ago when people still believed in dragons and when Valvazor, our great scholar and member of the British Royal Society wrote about the proteus as of the “dragon’s baby”, clean and clear water was running through the karst caves and people scooped and drank it. But since then many things have changed.

Prije nekoliko vijekova kada su ljudi i dalje vjerovali u zmajeve, a kada je Valvazor, naš veliki naučnik i član Britanskog kraljevskog društva napisao o proteusu od “zmijeve bebe”, kroz kraške pećine prolazila je čista i bistra voda, a ljudi su ga prevarili i pili . Ali od tada su se mnoge stvari promijenile.