
Script: E.Stålhammar, E. Löwdin, V.Pålsson
Editor: E.Stålhammar, E. Löwdin, V.Pålsson
Original music:
Language: Swedish
Duration: 15:00
The original system’s of record film:Pal
Country of production: Sweden & Uganda
Year: 2016.
Property: E.Stålhammar, E. Löwdin, V.Pålsson

“Traveling the streets of Kampala one does not only face a chaotic and dangerous traffic environment but also struggles to go through endless queues, pollution, motorcyclists and cars attacking you from every angle which is a energy-consuming dilemma.
Politicians seems to have given up but there are a few people who strives to show that there are alternative ways of movements.

“Putovanje ulicama Kampale ne samo da se suočava sa haotičnim i opasnim saobraćajnim okruženjem, već se bori i kroz beskrajne reda, zagađenje, motocikliste i automobile koji vas napadaju iz svakog ugla koji predstavlja dilemu koja uzima energiju.
Izgleda da su političari odustali, ali ima nekoliko ljudi koji nastoji pokazati da postoje alternativni načini kretanja.

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