Black Water – Crna voda

Script: Benjamin Brunet
Editor: Gonzalo Aburto, Benjamin Brunet
Original music: Surya Asram
Language: Spanish
Duration: 06:00
The original system’s of record film: Pal
Country of production: CHILE
Year: 2016.

In Alto Mañihuales, Chilean Patagonia, there is a group of families living on the slopes of the El Toqui mine. Despite the beauty of the place, its land, its water and its air, are contaminated with high levels of arsenic and heavy metals. A filtered audio of the conversations between settlers and authorities will be the guiding thread that allows us to understand the record of this situation and to reveal the deaths that it has caused and the mental illnesses that the children possess due to this situation.

U Alto Mañihualesu, čileanski Patagoniji, postoji grupa porodica koje žive na padinama rudnika El Toqui. Uprkos ljepoti mjesta, njegova zemlja, voda i njen vazduh su zagađeni visokim nivoima arsena i teških metala. Filtrirani zvuk razgovora između naseljenaca i vlasti biće vodilja koja će nam omogućiti da razumemo zapis o ovoj situaciji i otkrivamo smrt koju je izazvao i mentalne bolesti koje djeca posjeduju zbog ove situacije.

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