Mostar – Viva filmska škola

Mostar – Viva filmska škola

“Od ideje do ralizacije” je filmska radionica koju Viva film festival održava u svim mjestima gdje ima zainteresovane djece. Viva karavan je proteklog vikenda od 12. do 14.05.2017. posjetio opštinu, Mostar gdje smo sa 12 sjajnih, mladih i kretivnih ljudi snimili još jedan odličan film “Ostani” koji se bavi odlaskom mladih ljudi sa ovih prostora u potrazi za boljim životom. Domaćin i suorganizator radionice je Centar za kulturu Mostar, koji je od juče postao i zvanični festivalski Viva centar. Tri dana radionica…odlična atmosfera, ozbiljna ideja i scenario koji su pripremili sami učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola iz Mostara. Iz radionice u radionicu smo sve sretniji jer smo svjesni da BiH ima veliki potencijal u mladim ljudima i bezbrižni smo što se tiče budućnosti Bh kinematografije.
“From the idea to the realisation” is a film workshops held by Viva film festival in all places where there are children interested. Viva team, last weekend from 12 to 14/05/2017 visited the municipality of Mostar where we are, with 12 bright, young and creative people made another excellent film “Stay,” which deals with the departure of young people from the region in search of a better life. The host and co-organizer of the workshop, the Center for Culture Mostar, who became the official festival Viva Center. Three days of workshops … great atmosphere, a serious idea and the scenario which was prepared by the students themselves in primary and secondary schools in Mostar. From workshop to workshop we are happier because we are aware that BiH has great potential in young people, and we are happy about the future of cinema Bh.