3. PM 2.5

3. PM 2.5

Script: Piotr Biedron & Arthur Michalik
Editor: Piotr Biedron
Original music: Marta Markiewicz
Language: English
Duration: 06:40
The original system’s of record film: Pal
Country of production: POLAND
Year: 2017


Air pollution in Poland has recently become a critical problem, but polish government doesn’t seem to treat the issue seriously. Polish Minister Of Health Konstanty Radziwiłł doesn’t seem to care, as he recently told the press that there is no reason to panic, and smog is just a theoretical threat.

Zagađenje vazduha u Poljskoj nedavno je postalo kritičan problem, ali poljska vlada izgleda ne tretira ovo pitanje ozbiljno. Čini se da se ne brine poljski ministar zdravlja Konstanti Radziłłł, jer je nedavno rekao novinarima da nema razloga za paniku, a smog je samo teoretska prijetnja.

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