The Black Goo – Crno blato

Script: Sandro Souladze
Editor: Sandro Souladze
Original music: Sandro Souladze
Language: English
Duration: 06:47
The original system’s of record film: Pal
Country of production: GEORGIA
Year: 2015


The Black Goo, a futuristic and apocalyptic short documentary drama reveals the issue and shows the dire consequences of unreasonable and excessive use of environmental resources. The Film was shot in the Georgian industrial town of Rustavi. To deepen the mood and heighten the impact of the film’s nearly extinctive look and to provide stronger emotional connection with the surrounding subjects, the director chose black and white colours and dark ambient music.

Black Goo, futuristička i apokaliptička kratka dokumentarna drama otkriva problem i pokazuje strašne posljedice nerazumnog i prekomjernog korištenja okolinskih resursa. Film je snimljen u gruzijskom industrijskom gradu Rustavi. Da bi produbio raspoloženje i povećao uticaj skoro izumrlog izgleda filma i omogućio jaču
emocionalnu vezu sa okolnim subjektima, reditelj je odabrao crne i bijele boje i tamnu ambijentalnu muziku.

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