Farewell Goddess – Boginja praštanja

Script: Amit Agarwal
Editor: Pritha Chackraborty
Original music: Avijit Kundu
Language: English
Duration: 05:11
The original system’s of record film: Pal
Country of production: SINGAPORE
Property: Shalini Jalan

Seeing idols of Hindu Gods that have been crafted with love and care and worshipped fervently, being immersed in a river made me ask a fundamental
question. That question goes to the nerve centre of our attitude towards the environment and shines a very clear light on our abusive relationship with nature.

Vidimo idole Hindu bogova koji su izrađeni od ljubavi i brige zaronjeni u čvrstu vjeru. Reka me je naterala da postavim fundamentalno pitanje. To pitanje je nervni centar našeg odnosa prema okruženju i stavlja vrlo jasno svjetlo na našu zloupotrebu odnosa sa prirodom.

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